Nana C++ Library. Reference for users.
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// --- C++ 14, the <filesystem> header VS2015
// --- <filesystem> header VS2013
// test
//#define STD_put_time_NOT_SUPPORTED
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <nana/deploy.hpp>
#include <nana/gui.hpp>
#include <nana/gui/widgets/panel.hpp>
#include <nana/gui/place.hpp>
#include <nana/gui/widgets/treebox.hpp>
#include <nana/gui/widgets/listbox.hpp>
#include <nana/gui/widgets/categorize.hpp>
#include <nana/gui/widgets/menubar.hpp>
#include <nana/gui/widgets/toolbar.hpp>
#include <nana/filesystem/filesystem_ext.hpp> // #include <nana/filesystem/filesystem_selector.hpp>
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
namespace fs_ext = nana::filesystem_ext;
//inline directory_only_iterator children(const fs::directory_entry& f) { return directory_only_iterator{ f.path() }; }
//inline fs::directory_iterator l_items (const fs::directory_entry& f) { return fs::directory_iterator { f.path() }; }
//inline std::string f_name (const fs::directory_entry& f) { return f.path().filename().generic_u8string(); }
// the following types could be converted into types parametrs for a generic treelistpathview explorer
using d_node = fs::directory_entry ;
using d_item = fs::directory_entry ;
using ct_n_children = fs_ext::directory_only_iterator;
using ct_l_items = fs::directory_iterator ;
auto children = [](const d_node& f)->ct_n_children//&
// Boost can throw an exception "Access is denied"
// when accessing some system paths, like "C:\Config.Msi"
try {
return ct_n_children{ f.path() };
} catch (...) {
return ct_n_children();
}; // ct_n_children& f1(const d_node&);
auto l_items = [](const d_node& f)->ct_l_items//&
try {
return ct_l_items { f.path() };
} catch (...) {
return ct_l_items();
}; // ct_l_items& f2(const d_node&);
auto f_name = [](const d_node& f)
return f.path().filename().generic_string();
}; // std::string f3(const d_node&);
using f_node_children = decltype (children);
using f_list_items = decltype (l_items);
using f_node_title = decltype (f_name);
nana::listbox::oresolver& operator<<(nana::listbox::oresolver& ores, const d_node& item)
ores << f_name(item);
ores << fs_ext::pretty_file_date(item);//.path()
if (fs::is_directory(item))
ores << ("Directory") << "";
if (item.path().has_extension())
ores << item.path().extension().generic_string();
// ores << nana::to_utf8(item.path().extension().generic_wstring());
ores << ("File");
ores << fs_ext::pretty_file_size(item);
return ores;
/*std::string type;
ires >> >> type >> type; = (type == "Directory");*/
return ires;
//template <class d_node,
// class d_item = d_node::value_type,
// class ctn_node_children = std::vector<d_node>& F(d_node&) ,
// class ctn_list_items = std::vector<d_item>& F(d_node&) ,
// class ft_node_title = std::string /* title_to_node */(const d_node::value_type& value)
// > // some data_node -like template
class explorer :public nana::form
nana::place place_ {*this};
nana::treebox tree_ {*this};
nana::listbox list_ {*this};
nana::categorize<d_node> path_ {*this};
nana::menubar menu_ {*this};
nana::panel<false> view_ {*this},
nana::toolbar tools_ {*this},
nav_ {*this};
f_node_title &node_to_title;
f_node_children &node_children;
f_list_items &list_items;
std::string div_ =
R"( vertical <weight=23 menu> <weight=23 path> <weight=23 tools> <<tree> |70% < vertical <list> |50% <vertical <weight=23 nav> <view> > > > <weight=23 status> )";
bool force_refresh{false};
std::string fake_item;// { "Sorry, this is a fake item!" }; //workaround for VC2013 error C2797: 'explorer::fake_item': list initialization inside member initializer list or non-static data member initializer is not implemented
using t_node = nana::treebox::item_proxy;
explorer ( /*d_node& root,*/
f_node_title fnt,
f_node_children ctnc,
f_list_items ctni,
std::string title={} )
:form{r}, node_to_title{fnt}, node_children{ ctnc }, list_items{ ctni }, fake_item("Sorray, this is a fake item")
place_["menu"] << menu_ ;
place_["tools"] << tools_ ;
place_["path"] << path_ ;
place_["tree"] << tree_ ;
place_["list"] << list_ ;
place_["nav"] << nav_ ;
place_["view"] << view_ ;
place_["status"]<< status_ ;
//t_node tree_root = add_root(root); [this](const nana::arg_treebox &tb_msg)
if (!tb_msg.operated ) return;
//d_node d{ tree_.make_key_path(tb_msg.item, "/" /*nana::to_utf8(fs::path::preferred_separator)*/ )
// + "/" /*d_node::separator*/ };
refresh_tnode(tb_msg.item, force_refresh);
});[this](const nana::arg_treebox &tb_msg)
refresh_tnode(tb_msg.item, force_refresh);
// ;
for (auto & col : columns)
list_.append_header(col.first, col.second);
#if 0 //deprecated
t_node add_root(d_node & root)
auto r= tree_.insert(node_to_title(root), node_to_title(root));
return r;
t_node add_root(std::string & root)
auto r = tree_.insert(root, root);
return r;
t_node add_root(std::string k, std::string t, d_node && root) // revise ref types
auto r = tree_.insert("root_" + k, t); //From 1.7.1, a key should not be a separator \ or /
return r;
void signal_child(t_node& node)
if (!force_refresh && !node.child().empty()) return;
auto& data = node.value<d_node>();
const ct_n_children& d_c = node_children(data);
const auto& child_1 = begin(d_c);
if (child_1 != end(d_c))
tree_.insert(node, fake_item, "");
void clear_children(t_node& sel_node)
while (!sel_node.child().empty())
void refresh_list(t_node& sel_node)
const ct_l_items& items = list_items(sel_node.value<d_node>());
for (auto &i : items), true);
//>path().filename().generic_wstring()), true);
void refresh_path(t_node& sel_node) {};
void refresh_tnode(t_node& sel_node, bool force)
if (!force && !sel_node.child().empty() && sel_node.child().key()!=fake_item ) return;
const ct_n_children& d_c = node_children(sel_node.value<d_node>());
for (auto &n : d_c)
auto name = node_to_title(n);
auto tn = tree_.insert(sel_node, name, name);
if (tn.empty()) continue;
//using file_explorer_t = explorer< fs::directory_entry, ///< d_node
// fs::directory_entry, ///< d_item
// decltype (children), ///< ctn_node_children
// decltype (l_items), ///< ctn_list_items
// decltype (f_name) ///< ft_node_title
// >;
// The model / data known how to build a data_node from the path or from the value in the d_node atached to the t_node.
// The tree know how to build the path, and how to build a t_node from d_node
//using namespace nana;
template <class V,
class C_I,
class C_N
struct data_node
using value_type = V;
using cont_it_t = C_I;
using cont_nd_t = C_I;
value_type value;
C_I items; // any oder container of value_type with begin, end, != and ++()
C_N nodes; // any oder container of data_node with begin, end, != and ++()
std::string separator;
data_node(std::string path, std::string separator = "/")
: value{ path },
items{ path },
nodes{ path }*/ {}
// "globals functions"
std::string key(/* value_type*/) { return{}; };
std::string title(/* value_type*/) { return{}; };
struct dir_node
using value_type = fs::directory_entry;
using cont_it_t = fs::directory_iterator;
value_type value;
cont_it_t items;
cont_nd_t nodes;
static const std::string separator;
dir_node(fs::path path)
: value{ path }, items{ path }, nodes { path }
//separator{ "/" }, /* std::experimental::filesystem::path::preferred_separator */
const std::string dir_node::separator{ "/" };
//struct d_node : data_node<std::experimental::filesystem::directory_entry,
// std::experimental::filesystem::directory_entry,
// directory_only_iterator>
// using B_T = data_node<std::experimental::filesystem::directory_entry,
// std::experimental::filesystem::directory_entry,
// directory_only_iterator>
// dir_node(std::experimental::filesystem::path path)
// : B_T{ path }
// {
// dir{ path },
// nodes{ path } {}
std::string key(const dir_node& dn) { return dn.value.path().filename().generic_string(); };
std::string title(const dir_node& dn) { return key(dn); };
std::string key(const dir_it& d) { return d->path().filename().generic_string(); };
std::string title(const dir_it& d) { return key(d); };
//template <class it>
//struct data_it
// std::vector<it> items;
// std::vector<data_node> nodes;
//template <class value>
//using title_node = std::string /* title_to_node */ (const value& node_value);
//class file_explorer : public nana::form
// public: using item_proxy = nana::treebox::item_proxy ;
// enum class kind {none, filesystem};
// private:
// nana::place place_ {*this};
// nana::button btn_new_folder_ {*this, "&New Folder" };
// nana::categorize<int> path_ {*this};
// nana::treebox tree_ {*this};
// nana::listbox ls_file_{*this};
// nana::textbox filter_ {*this};
// nana::combox cb_types_ {*this};
// nana::label lb_file_ {*this, "File:" };
// nana::textbox tb_file_ {*this};
// //nana::button btn_ok_, btn_cancel_;
// //bool io_read_;
// //nana::string def_ext_;
// struct item_fs
// {
// std::string name;
// tm modified_time;
// bool directory;
// uintmax_t bytes; // nana::long_long_t
// friend nana::listbox::iresolver& operator>>(nana::listbox::iresolver& ires, item_fs& m)
// {
// std::string type;
// ires >> >> type >> type ;
// = (type == "Directory");
// return ires;
// }
// friend nana::listbox::oresolver& operator<<(nana::listbox::oresolver& ores, const item_fs& item)
// {
// std::stringstream tm;
// tm << (item.modified_time.tm_year + 1900) << '-' ;
// _m_add(tm, item.modified_time.tm_mon + 1) << '-' ;
// _m_add(tm, item.modified_time.tm_mday ) << ' ' ;
// _m_add(tm, item.modified_time.tm_hour ) << ':' ;
// _m_add(tm, item.modified_time.tm_min ) << ':' ;
// _m_add(tm, item.modified_time.tm_sec ) ;
// ores<<<<tm.str();
// if(!
// {
// auto pos ='.'));
// if(pos != && (pos + 1 <
// ores<< + 1);
// else
// ores<<("File");
// ores<<_m_trans(item.bytes);
// }
// else
// ores<<("Directory");
// return ores;
// }
// private:
// static std::stringstream& _m_add(std::stringstream& ss, unsigned v)
// {
// if(v < 10)
// ss<<'0';
// ss<<v;
// return ss;
// }
// static std::string _m_trans(std::size_t bytes)
// {
// const char * ustr[] = {" KB", " MB", " GB", " TB"};
// std::stringstream ss;
// if(bytes >= 1024)
// {
// double cap = bytes / 1024.0;
// std::size_t uid = 0;
// while((cap >= 1024.0) && (uid < sizeof(ustr)/sizeof(char *)))
// {
// cap /= 1024.0;
// ++uid;
// }
// ss<<cap;
// auto s = ss.str();
// auto pos = s.find('.');
// if(pos != s.npos)
// {
// if(pos + 2 < s.size())
// s.erase(pos + 2);
// }
// return s + ustr[uid];
// }
// ss<<bytes<<" Bytes";
// return ss.str();
// }
// };
// std::vector<item_fs> file_container_;
// struct path_tag
// {
// std::string filesystem;
// } addr_;
// struct selection_tag
// {
// kind type;
// std::string target;
// } selection_;
// struct tree_node_tag
// {
// item_proxy home;
// item_proxy filesystem;
// }nodes_;
// static std::string saved_init_path;
// static std::string saved_selected_path;
// struct pred_sort_fs
// {
// bool operator()(const item_fs& a, const item_fs& b) const
// {
// return (( != &&;
// }
// };
// file_explorer( const std::string& title= "Nana File Explorer") : form( nana::API::make_center( 630, 440) )
// {
// path_.splitstr("/");
//[this](const nana::arg_categorize<int>&)
// {
// auto path = path_.caption();
// auto root = path.substr(0, path.find(('/')));
// if(root == ("HOME"))
// path.replace(0, 4, def_rootname);//nana::experimental::filesystem::path_user()); // REPLACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to filesystem_ext.hhp
// else if(root == ("FILESYSTEM"))
// path.erase(0, 10);
// else
// throw std::runtime_error("Nana.GUI.Filebox: Wrong categorize path");
// if(path.size() == 0) path = ("/");
// _m_load_cat_path(path);
// });
//[this](const nana::arg_click&)
// {
// // use inputbox
// nana::form fm(this->handle(), nana::API::make_center(*this, 300, 35));
// fm.caption(("Name the new folder"));
// nana::textbox folder(fm, nana::rectangle(5, 5, 160, 25));
// folder.multi_lines(false);
// nana::button btn(fm, nana::rectangle(170, 5, 60, 25));
// btn.caption(("Create"));
//*this, fm, folder));
// nana::button btn_cancel(fm, nana::rectangle(235, 5, 60, 25));
// btn_cancel.caption(("Cancel"));
//[&fm](const nana::arg_click&)
// {
// fm.close();
// });
// nana::API::modal_window(fm);
// });
// ls_file_.append_header(("Name" ), 190);
// ls_file_.append_header(("Modified"), 145);
// ls_file_.append_header(("Type" ), 80);
// ls_file_.append_header(("Size" ), 70);
// auto fn_sel_file = [this](const nana::arg_mouse& arg){ _m_sel_file(arg); };
// .connect_unignorable(fn_sel_file);
// ls_file_.set_sort_compare(0, [](const std::string& a, nana::any* fs_a,
// const std::string& b, nana::any* fs_b, bool reverse) -> bool
// {
// int dira = nana::any_cast<item_fs>(fs_a)->directory ? 1 : 0;
// int dirb = nana::any_cast<item_fs>(fs_b)->directory ? 1 : 0;
// if(dira != dirb)
// return (reverse ? dira < dirb : dira > dirb);
// std::size_t seek_a = 0;
// std::size_t seek_b = 0;
// while(true)
// {
// std::size_t pos_a = a.find_first_of(("0123456789"), seek_a);
// std::size_t pos_b = b.find_first_of(("0123456789"), seek_b);
// if((pos_a != a.npos) && (pos_a == pos_b))
// {
// nana::cistring text_a = a.substr(seek_a, pos_a - seek_a).data();
// nana::cistring text_b = b.substr(seek_b, pos_b - seek_b).data();
// if(text_a != text_b)
// return (reverse ? text_a > text_b : text_a < text_b);
// std::size_t end_a = a.find_first_not_of(("0123456789"), pos_a + 1);
// std::size_t end_b = b.find_first_not_of(("0123456789"), pos_b + 1);
// std::string num_a = a.substr(pos_a, end_a != a.npos ? end_a - pos_a : a.npos);
// std::string num_b = b.substr(pos_b, end_b != b.npos ? end_b - pos_b : b.npos);
// if(num_a != num_b)
// {
// double ai = std::stod(num_a, 0);
// double bi = std::stod(num_b, 0);
// if(ai != bi)
// return (reverse ? ai > bi : ai < bi);
// }
// seek_a = end_a;
// seek_b = end_b;
// }
// else
// break;
// }
// if(seek_a == a.npos)
// seek_a = 0;
// if(seek_b == b.npos)
// seek_b = 0;
// nana::cistring cia =;
// nana::cistring cib =;
// if(seek_a == seek_b && seek_a == 0)
// return (reverse ? cia > cib : cia < cib);
// return (reverse ? cia.substr(seek_a) > cib.substr(seek_b) : cia.substr(seek_a) < cib.substr(seek_b));
// });
// ls_file_.set_sort_compare(2, [](const std::string& a, nana::any* anyptr_a,
// const std::string& b, nana::any* anyptr_b, bool reverse) -> bool
// {
// int dir1 = nana::any_cast<item_fs>(anyptr_a)->directory ? 1 : 0;
// int dir2 = nana::any_cast<item_fs>(anyptr_b)->directory ? 1 : 0;
// if(dir1 != dir2)
// return (reverse ? dir1 < dir2 : dir1 > dir2);
// return (reverse ? a > b : a < b);
// });
// ls_file_.set_sort_compare(3, [this](const std::string&, nana::any* anyptr_a,
// const std::string&, nana::any* anyptr_b, bool reverse) -> bool
// {
// item_fs * fsa = nana::any_cast <item_fs>(anyptr_a);
// item_fs * fsb = nana::any_cast <item_fs>(anyptr_b);
// return (reverse ? fsa->bytes > fsb->bytes : fsa->bytes < fsb->bytes);
// });
// tb_file_.multi_lines(false);
//[this](const nana::arg_keyboard& arg)
// {
// if(arg.key == nana::keyboard::enter)
// _m_ok();
// });
// cb_types_.editable(false);
//[this](const nana::arg_combox&){ _m_list_fs(); });
// selection_.type = kind::none;
// _m_layout();
// _m_init_tree();
// }
// void load_fs(const std::string& init_path, const std::string& init_file)
// {
// //Simulate the behavior like Windows7's
// //lpstrInitialDir(
// //Phase 1
// std::string dir;
// auto pos = init_file.find_last_of( ("\\/"));
// std::string file_with_path_removed = (pos != init_file.npos ? init_file.substr(pos + 1) : init_file);
// if(saved_init_path != init_path)
// {
// if(saved_init_path.size() == 0)
// saved_init_path = init_path;
// //Phase 2: Check whether init_file contains a path
// if(file_with_path_removed == init_file)
// {
// //Phase 3: Check whether init_path is empty
// if(init_path.size())
// dir = init_path;
// }
// else
// dir = init_file.substr(0, pos);
// }
// else
// dir = saved_selected_path;
// _m_load_cat_path(dir.size() ? dir : def_rootname); //nana::experimental::filesystem::path_user());
// tb_file_.caption(file_with_path_removed);
// }
// void add_filter(const std::string& desc, const std::string& type)
// {
// std::size_t i = cb_types_.the_number_of_options();
// cb_types_.push_back(desc);
// if(0 == i)
// cb_types_.option(0);
// std::vector<std::string> v;
// std::size_t beg = 0;
// while(true)
// {
// auto pos = type.find( (';'), beg);
// auto ext = type.substr(beg, pos == type.npos ? type.npos : pos - beg);
// auto dot = ext.find( ('.'));
// if((dot != ext.npos) && (dot + 1 < ext.size()))
// {
// ext.erase(0, dot + 1);
// if(ext == ("*"))
// {
// v.clear();
// break;
// }
// else
// v.push_back(ext);
// }
// if(pos == type.npos)
// break;
// beg = pos + 1;
// }
// if(v.size())
// cb_types_.anyobj(i, v);
// }
// bool file(std::string& fs) const
// {
// if(selection_.type == kind::none)
// return false;
// auto pos = ("\\/"));
// if(pos !=
// saved_selected_path =, pos);
// else
// saved_selected_path.clear();
// fs =;
// return true;
// }
// void _m_layout()
// {
// place_.div( "vert"
// "<weight=34 margin=5 path arrange=[variable,200] gap=5 >"
// "<weight=30 margin=[0,0,5,10] new_folder arrange=[100] >"
// "< content arrange=[180] gap=[5]>"
// "<weight=8>"
// "<weight=26 <weight=100> "
// " <weight=60 vert label margin=[0,0,0,5]>"
// " < file margin=[0,18,0,5] arrange=[variable,variable,190] gap=[10]>>"
// "<weight=48 margin=[8,0,14]<>" );
// place_.field( "path" ) << path_ /*<<filter_*/;
// place_.field( "new_folder" )<< btn_new_folder_ ;
// place_.field( "content" ) << tree_ << ls_file_;
// place_.field( "label" ) << lb_file_;
// place_.field( "file" ) << tb_file_ << cb_types_;
// place_.collocate();
// }
// void _m_init_tree()
// {
// using namespace nana::experimental::filesystem;
// //The path in linux start with the character '/', the root key should be
// //"FS.HOME", "FS.ROOT". Because a key of the tree widget should not be '/'
// auto node_home = tree_.insert( ("FS.HOME"), ("Home"));
// node_home.value(kind::filesystem);
// auto node_filesystem = tree_.insert( ("FS.ROOT"), ("Filesystem"));
// node_filesystem.value(kind::filesystem);
// using SubDirectories = directory_iterator;
// for (const auto& dir : SubDirectories{ path_user() })
// {
// if ( !is_directory(dir) || (!dir.path().filename().empty() && dir.path().filename().generic_u8string() [0] == '.')) continue;
// item_proxy node = tree_.insert(node_home, dir.path().filename().generic_u8string(), dir.path().filename().generic_u8string());
// if( ! node.empty() )
// {
// node.value(dir); //node.value(kind::filesystem);
// break;
// }
// }
// for (const auto& dir : SubDirectories{ ("/") })
// {
// if ( !is_directory(dir) || (!dir.path().filename().empty() && dir.path().filename().generic_u8string()[0] == '.')) continue;
// item_proxy node = tree_.insert(node_home, dir.path().filename().generic_u8string(), dir.path().filename().generic_u8string());
// if( ! node.empty() )
// {
// node.value(dir); //node.value(kind::filesystem);
// break;
// }
// }
//[this](const nana::arg_treebox& arg)
// {
// _m_tr_expand(arg.item, arg.operated);
// });
//[this](const nana::arg_treebox& arg)
// {
// if(arg.operated && ! arg.item.empty() )
// {
// auto path = tree_.make_key_path(arg.item, ("/")) + ("/");
// _m_resolute_path(path);
// _m_load_cat_path(path);
// }
// });
// }
// std::string _m_resolute_path(std::string& path)
// {
// auto pos = path.find( ('/'));
// if(pos != path.npos)
// {
// auto begstr = path.substr(0, pos);
// if(begstr == ("FS.HOME"))
// path.replace(0, 7, def_rootname);// nana::experimental::filesystem::path_user());
// else
// path.erase(0, pos);
// return begstr;
// }
// return {};
// }
// void _m_load_path(const std::string& path)
// {
// addr_.filesystem = path;
// if(addr_.filesystem.size() && addr_.filesystem[addr_.filesystem.size() - 1] != ('/'))
// addr_.filesystem += ('/');
// file_container_.clear();
// using namespace std::experimental::filesystem;
// file_status fattr ; attribute ;
// directory_iterator end;
// for(directory_iterator i(path); i != end; ++i)
// {
// if((!i->path().filename().empty() == 0) || (i->path().filename().generic_u8string()[0] == ('.')))
// continue;
// item_fs m;
// = i->path().filename();
// if(file_attrib(path +, fattr))
// {
// m.bytes = fattr.size;
// =;
// m.modified_time = fattr.modified;
// }
// else
// {
// m.bytes = 0;
// = i->;
// modified_file_time(path + i->path().filename().generic_u8string() , m.modified_time);
// }
// file_container_.push_back(m);
// if(
// path_.childset(, 0);
// }
// std::sort(file_container_.begin(), file_container_.end(), pred_sort_fs());
// }
// void _m_load_cat_path(std::string path)
// {
// if((path.size() == 0) || (path[path.size() - 1] != ('/')))
// path += ('/');
// auto beg_node = tree_.selected();
// while(!beg_node.empty() && (beg_node != nodes_.home) && (beg_node != nodes_.filesystem))
// beg_node = beg_node.owner();
// auto head = filesystem::path_user();
// if(path.size() >= head.size() && (path.substr(0, head.size()) == head))
// {//This is HOME
// path_.caption( ("HOME"));
// if(beg_node != nodes_.home)
// nodes_.home->select(true);
// }
// else
// { //Redirect to '/'
// path_.caption( ("FILESYSTEM"));
// if(beg_node != nodes_.filesystem)
// nodes_.filesystem->select(true);
// head.clear();
// }
// if(head.size() == 0 || head[head.size() - 1] != ('/'))
// head += ('/');
// using namespace nana::experimental::filesystem;
// directory_iterator end;
// for(directory_iterator i(head); i != end; ++i)
// {
// if(i->
// path_.childset(i->path().filename().generic_u8string(), 0);
// }
// auto cat_path = path_.caption();
// if(cat_path.size() && cat_path[cat_path.size() - 1] != ('/'))
// cat_path += ('/');
// auto beg = head.size();
// while(true)
// {
// auto pos = path.find( ('/'), beg);
// auto folder = path.substr(beg, pos != path.npos ? pos - beg: path.npos);
// if(folder.size() == 0) ;
// (cat_path += folder) += ('/');
// (head += folder) += ('/');
// path_.caption(cat_path);
// for(nana::experimental::filesystem::directory_iterator i(head); i != end; ++i)
// {
// if (i->
// path_.childset(i->path().filename().generic_u8string(), 0);
// }
// if(pos == path.npos)
// break;
// beg = pos + 1;
// }
// _m_load_path(path);
// _m_list_fs();
// }
// bool _m_filter_allowed(const std::string& name, bool is_dir, const std::string& filter, const std::vector<std::string>* extension) const
// {
// if(filter.size() && (name.find(filter) == filter.npos))
// return false;
// if((is_dir || 0 == extension) || (0 == extension->size())) return true;
// for(auto & extstr : *extension)
// {
// auto pos = name.rfind(extstr);
// if((pos != name.npos) && (name.size() == pos + extstr.size()))
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// }
// void _m_list_fs()
// {
// std::string filter = filter_.caption();
// ls_file_.auto_draw(false);
// ls_file_.clear();
// std::vector<std::string>* ext_types = cb_types_.anyobj<std::vector<std::string> >(cb_types_.option());
// auto cat =;
// for(auto & fs: file_container_)
// {
// if(_m_filter_allowed(,, filter, ext_types))
// {
// cat.append(fs).value(fs);
// }
// }
// ls_file_.auto_draw(true);
// }
// void _m_finish(kind type, const std::string& tar)
// {
// = tar;
// selection_.type = type;
// close();
// }
// struct folder_creator
// {
// folder_creator(file_explorer& fb, nana::form & fm, nana::textbox& tx)
// : fb_(fb), fm_(fm), tx_path_(tx)
// {}
// void operator()()
// {
// auto path = tx_path_.caption();
// nana::msgbox mb(fm_, ("Create Folder"));
// mb.icon(nana::msgbox::icon_warning);
// if(0 == path.size() || path[0] == ('.') || path[0] == ('/'))
// {
// mb<< ("Please input a valid name for the new folder.");
// mb();
// return;
// }
// bool if_exist;
// if(false == filesystem::mkdir(fb_.addr_.filesystem + path, if_exist))
// {
// if(if_exist)
// mb<< ("The folder is existing, please rename it.");
// else
// mb<< ("Failed to create the folder, please rename it.");
// mb();
// return;
// }
// fb_._m_load_cat_path(fb_.addr_.filesystem);
// fm_.close();
// }
// file_explorer& fb_;
// nana::form& fm_;
// nana::textbox & tx_path_;
// };
// bool _m_append_def_extension(std::string& tar) const
// {
// auto dotpos = tar.find_last_of( ('.'));
// if(dotpos != tar.npos)
// {
// auto pos = tar.find_last_of( ("/\\"));
// if(pos == tar.npos || pos < dotpos)
// return false;
// }
// std::vector<nana::string> * exts = cb_types_.anyobj<std::vector<std::string> >(cb_types_.option());
// if(0 == exts || exts->size() == 0) return false;
// auto & ext = exts->at(0);
// tar += ext;
// return true;
// }
// void _m_sel_file(const nana::arg_mouse& arg)
// {
// auto sel = ls_file_.selected();
// if(sel.empty())
// return;
// auto index = sel[0];
// item_fs m;
// if(nana::event_code::dbl_click == arg.evt_code)
// {
// if(
// _m_load_cat_path(addr_.filesystem + + ("/"));
// else
// _m_finish(kind::filesystem, addr_.filesystem +;
// }
// else
// {
// if(false ==
// {
// = addr_.filesystem +;
// tb_file_.caption(;
// }
// }
// }
// void _m_ok()
// {
// if(0 ==
// {
// auto file = tb_file_.caption();
// if(file.size())
// {
// if(file[0] == ('.'))
// {
// nana::msgbox mb(*this, caption());
// mb.icon(nana::msgbox::icon_warning);
// mb<<file<<std::endl<< ("The filename is invalid.");
// mb();
// return;
// }
// std::string tar;
// if(file[0] == ('/'))
// tar = file;
// else
// tar = addr_.filesystem + file;
// bool good = true;
// filesystem::attribute attr;
// if(filesystem::file_attrib(tar, attr) == false)
// {
// if(_m_append_def_extension(tar))
// good = filesystem::file_attrib(tar, attr);
// else
// good = false;
// }
// if(good && attr.is_directory)
// {
// _m_load_cat_path(tar);
// tb_file_.caption( (""));
// return;
// }
// {
// if(good)
// {
// nana::msgbox mb(*this, caption(), nana::msgbox::yes_no);
// mb.icon(nana::msgbox::icon_question);
// mb<< ("The input file is existing, do you want to overwrite it?");
// if(nana::msgbox::pick_no == mb())
// return;
// }
// _m_finish(kind::filesystem, tar);
// }
// }
// }
// else
// _m_finish(kind::filesystem,;
// }
// void _m_tr_expand(item_proxy node, bool exp)
// {
// if(false == exp) return;
// if( ! node.empty())
// {
// std::string path = tree_.make_key_path(node, ("/")) + ("/");
// _m_resolute_path(path);
// using namespace nana::experimental::filesystem;
// directory_iterator end;
// for(directory_iterator i(path); i != end; ++i)
// {
// if((false == i-> || (i->path().filename().size() && i->path().filename().generic_u8string()[0] == '.')) continue;
// auto child = node.append(i->path().filename().generic_u8string(), i->path().filename().generic_u8string(), *i);
// if(!child.empty())
// {
// for(directory_iterator u(path + i->path().filename().generic_u8string()); u != end; ++u)
// {
// if(! u-> || (!u->path().filename().empty() && u->path().filename().generic_u8string()[0] == '.')) continue;
// child.append(u->path().filename().generic_u8string(), u->path().filename().generic_u8string(), *i);
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
//};//end class filebox_implement
//std::string file_explorer::saved_init_path;
//std::string file_explorer::saved_selected_path;
int main()
// using namespace nana;
// d_node d{ def_rootstr };
explorer fb( f_name,
{ { ("Name"), 190 }, { ("Modified"), 145 }, { ("Type"), 80 }, { ("Size"), 70 } });
fb.add_root(fs_ext::def_root, fs_ext::def_rootname, d_node{ fs_ext::def_rootstr }).select(true);;
//char a;
//std::cin >> a;